Sneaky Snail Slides In!


Certified Master Stylist
Now I know things just don't MAGICALLY appear out of the air ( or WATER in this case!) I bought my live rock yesterday and I NEVER saw this guy! Is he harmful to my live rock and what kind is he? I knew I was going to have to get snails anyway, but uh, this was a little quick!!!!

Thanks for the replies! I hope they do survive. They've been steadily cleaning that rock. It did go that funny white color for a while but now I guess it's reviving. It's developing shades of brown and green to it I see some tiny purple spots and tiny little white circles
BIBBETY BOBBITY BOO! Then there were TWO!!!!

That's funny Karen. No telling just what else hitchhiked on that rock.
Be afraid, be very afraid. Okay, just kidding about the afraid part. :lol:
BIBBETY BOBBITY BOO! Then there were TWO!!!!

That's funny Karen. No telling just what else hitchhiked on that rock.
Be afraid, be very afraid. Okay, just kidding about the afraid part. :lol:

Ha! You know I'm hoping hoping (fingers crossed) that Fluffy is in there somewhere!!!:^: