so many worms!


Reefing newb
Hello all. I've had my fish tank for over 5 weeks now and things seem to be going well however everytime I look into the tank I find a group of worms, usually on the surface of the sand. I try my best to scoop as many as I can out of the tank but it seems like it barely makes a dent in their population.

These worms are usually darker in color and range from about a cm to over 5 cm's long. I believe they are bristle worms but I could be wrong. I know bristle worms are not necessarily hurtful but the y sure arent pretty to have in a tank.

Any suggestions? Thanks!
ah ha! I have determined that the worms are Sipunculida worms, that eat sand and live rock. Im assuming they wont be much of a problem then.

thanks everyone!