sps vendors


SPS Addict
know any reputable sources for healthy sps frags? Want to buy some more sps corals now that my tank is ready for them but not impressed with what i have here locally in my LFS's
you aint lying....wow, little steep for my budget. any others? may have to get into a drunk bidding war on ebay again ;D
I like vivids selection. May have to order from there. Question, in a march of 2012, i will be moving and of course the tank is going with me. Should i hold off on the acros until after the move? I had a local friend who lost a mess load of sps when he moved and it was across town...I will be moving across state!
just figured id use a bunch of coolers, powerheads, and air stones and will replace the sand with new sand after the move
I like saltcritters.com they are very close to me from around Indianapolis. Usually have great variety and cheap on the budgy.