Star Polyp question


Controversial Reefer
My star polyp is growing out of control and taking over other corals. Is there a way I can prevent it from growing in certain areas? I have been trying to scrape it away with a knife when it comes in proximity to my ricordia and coralamorphs but it seems to come back even stronger. Unfortunately it has grown over a few baby coralamorphs and a hydracoral I got on a dive from a year ago. Any ideas?
You can use Mrs. Wages Pickling Lime or Kalkwasser powder (they are the same thing) and make a thick paste and cover the star polyps. It will kill the 1's that are covered, but nothing will really stop them.
Put a few against your back glass. They make a nice background ;)
I don't know of anything myeslf. Other than completly removing it from the system. Anything you try will only stop it for a while but it will bounce back. I don't let it touch my sand or rocks. I keep it up on my over flow only.