Starfish ID


Reefing newb
Been pulling these out of my skimmer overflow for the past week. This is about number 4. What are they? Asterina? Good or Bad for the reef? I have LPS & softies.


Those are asterinas. Some people say they're good, others say they're bad. I myself consider them bad as I've read way more stories about them eating healthy corals vs. just sitting harmless in tanks. I've also read stories of people having them in their tanks and leaving them alone for months because they weren't hurting anything, then all of a sudden the asterinas go predatorial and take out corals.

I'd take them out if I were you.

No sign of these things for the last 8 months, all of a sudden, they are here in force!
I think they break apart and reproduce fast. Most of the ones I have found, like this on in the picture, have at least one leg missing or partially missing.
Asterinas,the majority are harmless algae grazers.If you see them on the glass,equipment than they are most likely algae grazers.

Removing them is up to you.
I've been dropping them in my fuge when I find them.They seem to be eatting on the cyano thats growing the fuge.