Starting over

Deep Six

Reefing newb
Ok. I lost my fish (due to incompatibility problems I think). But now im ready to start over. I have a 75 gallon tank with 3 hermits 3 snails and about 40 pounds of live rock in it right now and a sand sifting starfish. Any suggestions on the fish to stock it with. Thanks. :question:
You should check out fairy, flasher, and leopard wrasses. They're so beautiful and cool, they can bring lots of color into your tank.
Good for you for sticking with it!
FYI, you should really have more rock in your tank. 1-2 pounds per gallon is what is recommended.
What about some anthias? Bartletts maybe (not all of them would do well in a 75 gallon tank).
i plan to have more live rock but that stuff is so expensive to get all at one time so i'm adding some as i go. I'll check on those recommendations thanks.
Look thru the list of fish and pick you some. Then post your list and the people on this site will give you their blessing. Go to and look thru their fish.