Stocking my tank?


Reefing newb
Maybe in the next 6-12 months it will become a reef tank. But for now, it's either a 26-36 gallon bow front tank. I found it in the trash, and the measurements match up to nothing I could find ..
Anyway, I have 22 lbs of live rock, 40lbs of sand(dead), a turbo snail, a green chromis, and a false percula clown. Everything's going good, levels are good. What else would you add to the tank? Thanks
well i would add a second clown exact same species that is a lot smaller and let them pair up. A dwarf angel of some kind are good and have a 50/50 chance of being reef safe

also Lawnmower blennies have an awesome personality!
At this point, I'd actually say slow down! If you just set this tank up, you need to take it very slow so that the good bacteria in your live rock has a chance to seed your sand and multiply. Adding too much of a bioload without allowing the bacteria levels to adjust will crash your tank and could kill anything you have in there now.