strange fish

soo... i think i'm going to attemp it. i can certainly appreciate the risks involved but these things are just too cool to pass up. so i think i've decided on a stock:

currently in the tank:

4 blue legged hermits
2 turbo snails
1 emerald crab
2 green chromis (which will be going back to the LFS very shortly)

in the near future:

2 nassarius snails
1 cubicus boxfish
1 flame angel
1 lawnmower blenny
1 sandsifting starfish

any feedback?
You can try it. But be aware that the boxfish releases toxins when stressed, scared or unhappy. And if you keep it in a tank with other animals, it can easily poison and kill everything in the tank.

They are really awesome fish, but they are rated "expert only" for a reason.
From Live Aquaria: This peaceful omnivore will effectively clean even the largest home aquarium of detritus and left over food. Like other starfish, the Sand Sifting Sea Star will also consume small invertebrates, including shrimp, urchins, mollusks, bivalves, or other small sea stars. As such, the Sand Sifting Sea Star should be actively fed a varied diet consisting of natural food sources, especially in well-established marine aquariums. Otherwise, this voracious feeder will quickly clean your aquarium of detritus and then burrow into your substrate, starve, and eventually begin to decay.
Make sure if you get one you keep it fed, it will quickly eat up the things in your sand bed and die if not supplemented, it'll bury itself and probably spike your ammonia. Also, so you know, they grow to be a foot across and may end up being too big for a 30g
I approve of the sandsifting star. Buy it small. If it gets to big donate it and get another. Buy some sinking pellets and drop them in occasionally. I've not noticed mine eating any of my nas snails. I have one in each of my tanks. They are great for keeping sand clean and stirred up.

If your going with the flame angel add it small and add it last.
You've got to take a chance if you want to keep extremely exotic animals like the boxfishes.But in our own ways,were all taking chances with our tanks.Thats how we all learn.:D
My best suggestion for boxfish is to search the internet. I'm certain there is a site dedicated to boxfish and has lots of people that know more about them and how to deal with them.