Stuff is dying


Reef pro
Ugg, **** is dying in my tank. Mostly SPS corals.

I know the tank got cooked a few times before i got home to take care of the temperature things, so a few were looking pretty bleached.

The salinity also got dropped quite a bit while i was gone, so i have been slowly bring it back up. Ive been trying to not raise it more than .001 a day, which has been pretty successful.

Two days ago, the two leathers i have in the tank decided to shed.

Could this combination of events cause this? only the bleached SPS are losing flesh, but as of today everything is pretty withdrawn, including the LPS and softies. But of course, some of the LPS look great, as do a few of the SPS.

I am so confused. Did a waterchange, no improvement. All test are coming out normal.

Any other ideas? Suggestions, general comments . . . drinking suggestions?
How much of temp swings have u had? And what was the overall drop of the salitiny? sps can brown or bleech for many reasons.. how are your fish acting......and lets clarify....whats "normal" give your exact params.
the leathers shedding ( toxic) could have an effect on water quality so It could lead to issues with other corals...could try running some carbon for a bit and see if it helps..
+1 March.

Leathers are toxic avengers. That is there defense in the wild, they don't have a hard skeleton to retract too. You can't keep them in tank with others more than 2 years before the toxins build up to high levels. stuff you can't even test for. One of the only ways I know to get ride of it all it complete rebuild. to lessen the effect try a hugh water change always run high quality carbon. The carbon still doesn't get it all.
I dont exactly know how big of a temp swing, but it was a change of at least 5 degs multiple times.

ammonia, nitrite, nitrate = 0
calcium = 400
alk = 8
pH = 8.1

I cant remember pH, it was kinda low, but ill retest this afternoon.

Salinity drop of .006.

Fish are totally fine, eating, swimming and interacting normal.
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I'm sorry to hear sounds like a mixture of all the events that caused the sps's to recede...good luck with everything.
Sorry to hear that Little Fish.

Sounds like RTN to me.Once it starts,it's hard to get stopped.And it can come on for reasons unknown.Any little thing that might put some stress on SPS can start RTN and the any pf the flesh that floats off and contacts another coral spreads it rather quickly.
Sorry to hear, fish :( At least you're there now to salvage what you can.

What is RTN? Is that a reef-related disease?
its rapid tissue necrosis.

I dont have the classic presentation of rtn, where the flesh just dusts off, but a couple of the corals I yanked this morning did seem to have some flesh flaking off so maybe i caught it before then.
To help with the toxins from the leathers you could run some type of carbon for a few days. That will help draw out the toxins. Some times the SPS can be saved if you clip off the dying parts but that is risky too. This is the worst part of the hobby. Sorry to hear!
Well ive been running carbon and doing waterchanges. Not a whole lot of over all improvement. The right of my tank, is looking better, but the left side still looks pretty awful. Ive lost a few more corals and ive had to cut up my huge hollywood stunner chalice because it started to lose flesh from the middle. Hopefully at least one of the pieces will survive.