Tang Compatibility - Round two :)


Mr. Paranoid
Hi all,

I didn't want to hijack the other thread so I thought I would start my own.

I am upgrading my 33 to a 110 :) I am looking to get 3 tangs for it.

I have a few questions.....

1) I added my fish in my 33 really slowly. I read that with tangs it can be better to add multiple at a time?

2) I have a 3 options I am considering.

Option 1

Option 2
Power Brown

Option 3

Could a 4th be added?
I can't say if they're compatible. (I'll leave that to others who know more about Tangs) Because I don't know..... but out of the 3 options

I'd make my own and go


I'm not a fan of the hippo's and the powder browns can have health issues. I didn't like yellows until I got one, now he's one of my favorite fish, very bright. Love the Purples and the Chevrons.

Make sure you bring the checkbook when you go to pick those bad boys up.:D
Sarah, I think you just hurt your yellows feelings! isnt it named sunshine or something?

I would get a yellow just because its CRAZY amounts of color.
Sarah, I think you just hurt your yellows feelings! isnt it named sunshine or something?

His name is Tangy. I'm sorry Tangy!!! :cry: Tangy is one of my oldest fish. I've had him going on 10 years now. I still have the few fish I started up my very first 55 gallon tank with, back in 2000!! Even if I wanted to get rid of them (because they are pretty boring, plain, "newbie" fish), I just wouldn't have the heart to ditch a member of my family like that!
As for the Atlantic Blue Tang. I have one and it has grown faster and larger than the other 3 of my Tangs. If it grows any more I fear I'll have to fillet it. :shock:
Well....after a long drawn decision process... I have decided to go with these guys. :)

Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis (chevron)
Acanthurus achilles (achilles)
Zebrasoma xanthurum (purple)

I have the purple now in a the temporary tank until the new one shows up... I was thinking of ordering the others to co-inside with the move into the 130 g. My worry is that the bioload will cause a major spike.

I'd say that you have a 50/50 shot of a spike.Of course there are things you can do to sway the odds in your favor,like making sure the fish are small when you add them,paying close attention to your parameters and maintance.Things your probably already doing.