Tang Question??


My birthday is coming up at the end of february and I think its about time for some more fish! :^: Right now I have a coral beauty and 2 clown fish in my 90. I was thinking a Kole tang and a Yellow tang. Should/Can I add them at the same time to help with aggression issues or will I be ok because they are different tangs? Or would adding them both be too much bioload at once?

Any other stocking ideas? Looking for bigger fish that will do well in a 90...:sfish:
I love my kole tang and I love her, (not that we know if it's a her). We had a baby YT and it lasted a week. We got another yellow tang yesterday. They are doing great. I think you could add them together, but someone else could tell you better.
What other type of fish do you plan to add? That matters too. Tangs can be bossy so adding a firefish after a tang would probably a mistake.
If I were adding them both, I would check my parameters, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates.
Have water on hand for a water change and add them following with a water change in a day or so, but that's me.
It also depends on what type of skimmer etc you have.
Let's see what the most experience folks say.
Kole should be fine. Putting a yellow in there with it may be a bit tang crowded in your 90. As the others said adding another angel may also be asking for trouble.
I agree. I had a kole and a yellow tang in my 90 (oh and a sailfin too :shock:). If you introduce them together, I think they will be okay.
So, I was thinking of this for my stocking list:

Coral Beauty ( have)
2 Clown fish (have)

kole tang
yellow tang
Tomini tang?
royal gramma

any other suggestions? changes?
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The Tomini Tang and the Kole Tang are both bristletooth tangs. Even if added at the same time, I do not think it will work long term in a 90 gallon tank. I suspect you would have at least one dead tang on your hands

Rule of thumb is one tang per family per tank
I am in the same boat you are with only 4 feet of tank there are a lot of limitations with the bigger fish. If you want two tangs then the kole and yellow are probably two of your best choices. If introduced together they should be fine.
+1 Erin
Foxface is a cool fish. Very active like a tang and peaceful. It will hold it's own with a Kole. Can change colors lightening fast and is the ugliest fish you have ever seen when the lights go off color wise.