Tang, Tang, or ... Tang


Reefing newb
I went cruising the LFS's close to me today. I saw a couple of fish that I'd like to get.

Clown tang looked real healthy in the tank and was only about 3 inches. Did a little surfing and realized it can grow to 15" and needs a lot of swimming space. So this one is a definite no go for my 4ft tank.

I also saw Powder Blue that also looked healthy. Average adult size is around 9" and this was is also aroun 3" or 4" so it should be fine in my tank. I really like the looks of this fish but things I've read say you can show the fish a picture of ich and it will break out.

Saw a Kole Tang and this seems to be the perfect fit for my tank as it's one of the smaller tangs. But it just did not have the cool factor to me. I would like to have more colorful fish. I suppose I can add something a little more eye catching with my next purchase. I've got a decent amount of algae growing on some rocks some I'm sure he'll have a field day munching away.

And of course both LFS's had the famous Yellow Tang that I was originally planning on buying. I'd love to buy the Powder Blue but I'm thinking it won't be a smart first purchase. Feel free to tell me I'm wrong about the powder blue. So I guess I'm down to the Kole or the Yellow. If I buy the Kole can I add a yellow or some other tang, maybe the powder blue later?
if you want a small tang with a huge wow factor, find a chevron tang. but powder blues can be pretty finicky but worth it id they live in a stress free tank
Your tank is only 4'....so you are limited in what you should get. Tangs are very active swimmers and most need a 6' tank.

Cross out the clown tang. Your tank is way too small plus they are virtually impossible to keep alive.

Cross out the powder blue. Your tank is too small for this fish, which if you get a healthy 1 that lives, it will terrorize anything else in the tank. They are mean when adults.

A kole or chevron tang is fine...really any ctenochaetus.sp tang. A yellow tang is fine. An Atlantic blue would be OK too.
How about a Powder brown? Their colors aint as bright as the powder blues,but they are pretty fish.Their also not as prone to ick.
Thanks for reminding me. The powder brown was also originally on my list unfortunately I did not see one today. I may cruise down to the beach area tomorrow. There are about 3 more fish stores down there I can check out.
My personal experience with powder browns has not been good. I don't know of anyone who has had 1 live over a year. It is a nice looking fish, but I wouldn't recommend 1 to anyone.
I have a powder blu tang. Never had any problems with him at all. No ich, no disease, and not mean to any of my other fish. I do run a UV on my tank wich is suppose to help with ich. HE is still small, about 4" or so but happy as can be in my 72 bow. (before i take a beating... I have a bigger tank to put him in when he grows up):Cheers:
Why do you have your heart set on a Tang? Is this just an excuse to upgrade to that 6' tank you always wanted ;)
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Why do you have your heart set on a Tang? Is this just an excuse to upgrade to that 6' tank you always wanted ;)

LOL, not sure why I want the tang. If I was looking for an excuse to go bigger I'd be really be drooling over a Blonde Naso or clown. A tank that is big enough for those fish is out of the budget. I'll be quite happy with the smaller tangs that can live in my tank.

I really wanted to get a bluespot jawfish first but no LFS's near me carry them and I don't want to buy my first fish online.
The regal tangs are reasonable in price and alittle healthier than the powder blues and browns, Ive kept alomst every tang there is and most are prone to disease, some just get it if you look at them wrong! Ive had a powder blue along with several other tangs for years and they have been fine, but i wouldnt recomend most tangs to anyone with a newer tank, tangs will do best in an established tank. I would stick with a sailfin, kole, yellow, regal, or small nasos are great healthy fish also but you will have to donate him back to a local fish store in a few years when he starts growing, but would really be a good beginner tang.
good luck
Thanks for the input.

I've been reading and studying things for the past year. All lot of times I think I already understand or know what the right choice is before I make a post. Sometimes I just need to ramble on for a bit and as soon as I do and read a few responses it all makes sense.

This afternoon I bought the Kole Tang that I've been watching in the LFS for the past week. He is doing great so far, I'll post pictures on my build thread when I can get a decent shot.
I ahve a powder brown tang and love him. Only had him for a week but he eats everything and is a model citizen. I have him in a 110 right now. Im probably overstocked but im running an oversized skimmer and an Ozonator on it. I almost went with the Powder Blue, but he didn't look as good and was three times as much. I also love the chevron tangs. They are crazy looking. They remind me of the Potters Angel.
Of course my favorite tang is the one they call poon.

LOL I was just about to google it. Then I just started giggling like a school girl. That's funny stuff. I'm also a big fan of the poon.

Much luck to your powder brown. I'll keep you in mind and I may hit you up in a few months to see how he is doing.
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