

Reefing newb
I am looking for my first saltwater tank and have been researching the Oceanic Biocube 29 Gal.

Just want to have some live rock and a couple of fish. Maybe a trigger and a Dwarf Zebra Lionfish.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me regarding this aquarium or any others that would be good for first timers?

Hi Obanion,

Welcome to the site.
The Biocube is a good basic first tank.
It is a "NANO" style tank however. The fish you are referencing will require a much larger tank, at least a 75g.

If you decide on the 29g Biocube, you should look at NANO fish, Clowns, Blennies, Gobies, small Wrasse, Chromis....

The only upgrade I would recommend on your Biocube would b a Sapphire Skimmer.
If you decide to add corals rather than just a FOWLR tank as you described, you will want to look at a lighting upgrade.

Do some research on fish & typical tank requirements at : http://www.liveaquaria.com/.

Read a lot, ask a lot of questions, and research heavily before you invest in anything.
This way, your SW Tank will be successful.

Good luck!
its good that you asked first before you got started, but if you want those fish then you need a bigger tank, also since this will be your first tank i suggest you go as big as you can afford. i know that seems weird but the smaller the tank the harder the tank will be to keep stable and the more experienced you need to be at this hobby
I agree with all the above.
And I'll add this.Look at something other than the Oceanic BioCubes.I'd recommend something along the lines of the Red Sea Max or the Eco Cubes.
The LFS I help at quit carrying the Oceanic cubes because of all the un-happy customers.They would take one home and something wouldnt work.Run a few day and something else would quit working.Just not worth the money or the hassle.
Thanks for the input.

The Red Sea Max looks really nice but more than I would like to pay for beginning, and also saw some mixed reveiws on this one as well.

The all in ones are enticing but would be upset if I spent all that money only to have it fail. Might be best to just assemble my own.

Will have to read up on this since I don't know everything needed.
Just decide if you want a reef tank with corals,or a fish tank with rock.
Then we can go from there and help you figure out what will work best for you.
Was thinking about just live rock for now.

Being new and all I don't want to get in over my head. That's the easiest way to get burned out quick.

Just talked to a well referenced fish shop in my area. Will go look at tanks today and get my barings but won't buy yet.
Keep this in mind,The bigger the tank is,the more forgiving and stable its going to be.Not to mention the more options you'll have as far as fish goes.
So go with the biggest you can afford and have room for.

But for a FOWLR (fish only with live rock),your basically going to need a good skimmer and some power heads.
But I'd still suggest looking into a sump system.As it will let you place the skimmer in the sump and out of sight,plus add more water to the overall system.

I been thinking about setting up a FOWLR and stocking it different kinds of butterfly fish.