Tetra aquasafe


Reefing newb
I added tetra aquasafe when starting up my 200 gallon tank, little did i know that it has made my skimmer bubble way to much so it wont work, this stuff is almost like dawn dish soap except even dawn quits bubbling after a while this stuff does not if I put some of my water from my tank it a bucket and swish it around it still bubbles up like crazy even after two weeks can anyone help me out as to how to neutralize the bubbling.
yeah i can but just didn't want to spend 60 bucks on water for a two hundred gallon tank not to mention trying to gather up 40 five gallon buckets, but i will never take shortcuts again my bad lol
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Water conditioners will do that. As David mentioned, you shouldn't be using tap water in the first place. It contains heavy metals that can be fatal to inverts, and some water supplies contain high phosphates and nitrates, which will lead to neverending algae problems. You are better off buying RODI water from Walmart or a grocery store than using tap water. Or buying your own RODI unit to make your own water.

If you still must use tap water, you are better off going with Seachem Prime. That supposedly doesn't freak out skimmers as much as other water conditioners.
The Prime that Biff mentioned IS skimmer safe.But even at that,if you have to use tap water.Your better off just letting it set with powerhead in it for 24 hours.
Leave the skimmer off for awhile(one week maybe).It will eventually dissipate but in the long run better to get a new RO/DI unit.

+1 on Prime.