This week sucks

You can bet a blue spot jawfish will jump.They should be called blue spot flying fish.

Yeah, not worth risking $100 with my open top.:grumble:
Very cool fish though!

Update: I also haven't seen my red coris wrasse in 3 days. :frustrat: He hides a lot though, so maybe I'll get lucky and find him alive sometime
Something smells fishy.

Perhaps that's the smell of all his dead fish.

Something definitely sounds wrong. I'm leaning towards a poison accidentally being introduced into your tank. Because it was sudden, almost everything in your tank has been affected, and you're still seeing losses. Some sort of cleaning solution, lotion, something? I'd think about that one and ask everyone else in your household if they had done anything out of the ordinary near the tank in the last week that could have ended up in the water (some cleaning solutions are said to be able to get into your tank through the air, even).
ok false alarm on the wrasse, he came out tonight for some shrimps. I'm seriously thinking it was the alkalinity for the montis, now that the alk is stable the bleaching has stopped (as far as I can tell). The angel dying is a mystery though. There haven't been any new additions either. Also the new RO membranes giving a higher TDS. I guess the possibility of foreign contaminants are always possible, as I work in construction and handle different weird materials daily. Maybe it doesn't always 100% wash off, who knows
Thats why I keep a bottle of rubbing alcohol at the house.I use it to rinse my hands off before I do anything in the tank.