

is niger trigger reef safe? does anyone did or know someone has a this kind of trigger in a reef? what are your experiences if you did?
"Primarily a zooplankton feeder and will typically ignore invertebrates if they are fed frequently enough. BUT are likely to start eating your desirable invertebrates if they are underfed. Also prone to weight loss if not fed several times a day." (Reef Aquarium Fishes by Scott Michael)
I have a picasso and a bursa and they leave my soft corals alone but will go after any snail or shrimp they spot. Didn't have any corals or inverts when I had my niger but they are supposed to be a little better. Make sure you put him in after any shrimp or snails if you decide to get one.
I don't have any sps as I only have 260 watts on a 100 gal. but he hasn't bothered my pagoda or my gorgonians. They are not supposed to be reef safe; but then neither is my picasso. They are still rather young. (4''-5'') so ??? If you want a trigger, Odonus niger (Niger trigger) Xanthichthys auromarginatus (Bluechin trigger) , Xanthichthys ringens (Sargassum trigger) or Melichths nidua (Pinketail trigger),Are supposed to be more reef safe than any others. The Pinktail more prone to bad habits than the others.
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I have had a bluechin / bluejaw trigger for several months and then he woke up dead one morning. He was well tempered and never touched a coral. I currently have a Niger trigger in a reef tank at my work. He is a pig and eats whatever is put into the tank. He has never touched a coral nor shown any interest in them. He leaves the snails and crabs alone as well. Shrimp are a different story - kiss them goodbye. SPS, LPS, Softies are all safe with mine. I have had him for a year and he has doubled in size. Select his tankmates carefully, he is prone to ruling the tank and will endlessly nip at weak tankmates. He is currently housed with an ornate wrasse (who does like snails), a maroon clown, a flame angel and white-eyed moray eel. There was a volitan lionfish there as well, but the trigger recently killed the lionfish, who was three times his size. He ignores the other fish as he does not view them as competition for food. Hope this helped, good luck!

-Dr Marco :sfish:
i have seen them go both ways each individual fish is different i was always told to feed well and they will leave stuff alone. Which is hard for me cause i slowed down on feedings battling phosphate problems hate to go through algae problem again.
I couldn't say about the niger or the bluechin but as for the picasso and the bursa most likely they will eat them. I feed mine frozen clams on the half shell and it is their VERY FAVORITE FOOD! Maybe Dr. Marco could tell you since he has the more reef friendly triggers.
My Niger won't touch a clam or a cleaner shrimp (but add it before the trigger). He may sniff out the cleaner shrimp but mine doesn't eat them, but enjoys getting cleaned. Mine has not touched an LPS or Softie either. Avoid other ornamental shrimp (coral banded, blood, etc) as he will greedily eat them up - also watch out for crabs - he will like them too, mine just ate a strawberry crab. Good luck. The younger you get one, the better chance he will not attack your reef. Also - feed regualrly - daily if possible. Good Luck.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
i love my niger but i could never trust him in my reef tank i traind him to bit any one that puts there hand in the tank keeps the kids out of the tank
i have a mixed reef tank(softies,lps,sps,clams), cleaner & peppermint shrimps, mandarin goby, yellow corris wrasse, exquisite wrasse, red anthias, mated true percula, sebae clown, yellow tang, unicorn tang, sailfin tang, lamarcks angel, foxface, a pair of bangai, pair of firefish, all sorts of snails & crabs, a sallyfoot.

what do you guys think is the damage it will do to this setup?
he's been in my fowlr and i have a few snails and crabs in there which they don't touch. have a niger & bursa, 3 groupers.
"i have a mixed reef tank(softies,lps,sps,clams), cleaner & peppermint shrimps, mandarin goby, yellow corris wrasse, exquisite wrasse, red anthias, mated true percula, sebae clown, yellow tang, unicorn tang, sailfin tang, lamarcks angel, foxface, a pair of bangai, pair of firefish, all sorts of snails & crabs, a sallyfoot."

Hmmm, I am not expert, but have seen my Niger Trigger in two different reef tanks. You can count on him to devour your peppermint shrimp. He will also most likely harass the gobies, anthias will not get any food (much slower / shy eaters than the Trigger) and will starve, will also nip at and eventually kill the firefish. He may even take out your Lamarcks, they are not that aggressive. You stand to lose a fair amount of your livestock if you place him in that system. If you alread have him in your FOWLR, I would keep him there. To keep a Niger, your tankmates must be equal size and aggressiveness. Tangs will be fine, and the clowns, but the rest will suffer. Good Luck.

-Dr Marco :sfish: