Trimming feather Caluerpa?


Reefing newb
Well ive been reading some threads and have not really found anything regarding removing caluerpa from the sump when it becomes overgrown. Specifically, I have feather caluerpa and have had it for about 6 months, so far, I have trimmed it with scissors when it begins to grow long and over the overflow. (kind of like trimming hair..haaa!). Can some of you more experienced reefers share how you trim or maintain your caluerpa when it gets too long? I have feather mostly along with some grape and keep the lights on 24/7 and have not had any problems so far.
I'm asking because I have heard that breaking/cutting the branches can release some toxins into the water column? Is it better to pull runners without breaking?? huh?? I can't find anything definate on this so I hoped that I could better understand from long time reefers. What do you do?

Thanks a mil !
You won't find to many people keeping caluerpa on this board and probably others.You hit the nail on the head sorta,they tend to go asexual and spew there guts into the water even when you don't cut them.IMO,you should remove all of it,including the grape because they do the same thing.Replace them with chaeto and shaving brush,two of the easiest macro algae to maintain.
I only use chaetomorpha also. For the very reasons that you pointed out. Chaetomorpha is super cheap, they probably carry it at your LFS, or I got mine on Ebay for $5 for a Ziplock bag full. I would switch out your caulerpa for chaeto too.
I agree. lose the caluerpa. I am not a big fan of sumps to begin with, but if I chose to run one, I would only get chaeto.
dogs will eat anything, and if you are lucky, they will get a nasty bout of the runs all over your floor....right biff?

That is correct Dr. Marco. I mopped the floor twice yesterday, and am going to do it one more time tonight. It doesn't help that it's been rainy here, so the dogs also tracked mud into the house. And I have white floors :(.
Ouch. No fun. It is moments like those that I am grateful for illigel immigrants who work for maid services. I tend to call them for just such an occasion and request one!!! :bounce:

I have live rock and a good cleaning crew. I run two HOB filters that I modified to fit a large amount of carbon as well as phosguard. That is it. No skimmer. My parameters are perfect so far. The only limitation is that I cannot stock my tank too much.

Sorry doc, I'm confused, which tank are you talking about? R U running a reef tank without a skimmer? A 90 gal tank without a skimmer?
yup. My 125 has all the bells and whistles: UV, skimmer, sump, carbon, phosguard, etc. My 90 though, has just the HOB filter. Feel free to take a look at it on my reef build thread.
