

Reefing newb
Just got home from work and tank has exploded with algae every were. Alot of snails have died and ive pulled the rest out. I need to pull the 2 fish out to but Im out of places to put them. This is in my 55gallon tank that has been up running for about 5 months now. Power went out Saturday and was off for about 5 hours. I have a bio wheel type filter as well as my HOB fuge. I just changed the filters on the bio wheel (I did not touch the wheels at all)

Stats are now
Nitrite .2 PPM
Nitrate 10PPM
PH 8.6
Ammonia is less than .25

Im guessing something has died in your tank and you have gone through a massive cycle again. If I was you I would get onto the water changes straight away! Or your going to lose those fish and who knows what else