UV Sterilizer?


Reefing newb
I have a 55 gallon reef system with sump and skimmer and was thinking about adding a sterilizer. I was told that since I have live rock that a sterilizer would be pointless. Feedback needed. Thanks, J
Why would it be pointless to have a UV with live rock?
99% of the bacteria live on the live rock,Very little live in the water column.If you wanting to use one to reduce algae,disease and keep the water crystal clear than by all means,go ahead.Personally,I haven't found a need for one.
Tons of people use UV sterilizers in their reef tanks (which contain live rock). Like Freak, I don't think I would ever buy one unless there was a specific problem I was having and needed to address using a UV sterilizer. They are not a must for every tank, but they do work.
Running UV is neither pointless nor a must have for a reef tank.
UV is supposed to keep unwanted algae and disease along with parasites in check.
You can do the same thing through proper maintance and husbandry.So its just up to you if you want to spend the money on it or not.
I have never come across the need for uv in a reef tank. But my friend had to put one on his pond to combat algae and disease. Yote Biff and Freak are right.