water flow


Reefing newb
how much flow would be recommended for shrooms and anemones? and maybe a green polyp leather? i have my tank with the poverheads circulating about 7 times an hour with three power heads and my filter is about 900gph
Your tank is too young for an anemone. Anemones really need tanks that have been up and running for a year. Leathers and shrooms would be perfect for your tank though. They like low to moderate flow. In a 120 gallon tank, you should probably have at least 4 powerheads. Sounds like what you have now (7 times per hour turnover) is good.
thanks Biffy about the anemone i took it back thats how i got one of my power heads is store credit. also you answered my other question in advance i was going to ask when could i get an anemone! you have espn?
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