water haze

ok after enough scolding i spoke with one of my coworkers who has a 150 tank and he will be taking my fish from me until a month after i finish the cycle :( i only kept one for now the clown if i see too much of a change in parameters i will also take him to my co-wrkr:sfish:

well thats what i get for not beign patient :frustrat:

i really appreciate yall not chewing my head completely off :shocking:especially piggy and yote it show yall care *sniff

anywho:regular_w thanks
You should really take the clown to him as well its a life if you know what Im saying. Good choice though
k the only reason i dint was cause he has 2 that are almost twice as big as mine didnt want to get bullied ill prob take it to LFS
I am glad that you are taking the fish out. My heart is racing thinking about those poor fish in a cycling tank. Your nitrates are gonna shoot up so high that it would be like feeding your fish poison.
Clowns are hardy and there's a good chance it would survive the cycle. Good choice to not give it to your friend, it would probably get bullied to death.
Good choice. Seeing he already has two three would be a crowd. Now sit back leave the tank alone. Feed fish once and awhile and watch paremeters. Sorry if I was rough on you.
Tough Love is sometime the only way to get the proper response Piggy it was the responsible thing for you to do
First time I ever been thanked for nawwin some ass.
But yeah Jce,everybody on this site would rather see you have an awesome and thriving tank than to fail and waste a bunch of time and money.
You did the right thing by having your buddy hold your fish.
Now just slow down and let the cycle finish.And while waitiing,read,research,and read some more.The read and research some more.