

Reefing newb
What is best... R/o water, distilled or purified? Is r/o the same as drinking water that I can buy in jugs at the store?
What is best... R/o water, distilled or purified? There is no real diffrence in RO and Distilled aslong as it has 10 or lower TDS.
Is r/o the same as drinking water that I can buy in jugs at the store? Yes it is

Hoped i helped:Cheers:
A lot of fish stores sell it some even have the salt premixed.

I thought about doing this this way, but did not like the idea on drive in Utah's winters to the fish store to get water so I bought my own system. In the long run cheaper, and no extra buying at the pet store.

Thanks. Where can I buy r/o water without buying the whole system?
The gallon jugs you see at the store that say "disttiled water" is what people buy to drink. And thats what a lot of peopl use on there tanks.

RO/DI water and distilled water are not the same and use different processes to achieve their end product. Distilled water can remove more minerals and RO/DI can remove more chemicals found in the water.
There is a difference in RO and Distilled, RO/DI and Distilled are basically the same. Just two different processes to get the same result.

There are two kinds of water sold in stores, Spring and Distilled, Distilled is the one you'd want to use in your tank.
Do not use distilled water for your fish tank. Large distillers do use copper pipes to distill. Spring water, is distilled water and then they add minerals from the mineral loss of the distilling process. Just go to you lfs to get your rodi water. I live in a town that has ro water and my tbs is 128 from the faucet. I use the rodi to bring it to 0. It is worth every dollar to go get the system. It will cost you now and later
I buy water from Walmart. It's labeled "Drinking Water" but it says on the label its processed using Reverse Osmosis. It's the one with the green cap. It's $.84 per gallon.
Works great for me. They also sell distilled, though.
I have used tap water, didnt go well. Filtered water from the tap, one of those faucet things you buy at the store, wasnt as bad as tap but still had issues. Distilled from the store worked great but is expensive. Ro water from the machines, actually works really well and is cheap and ro/di from the fish store. Cost a few cents more but if I am going there anyway I take the jugs with me. For my tank now I use the machine at the store or I get it at the fish store. So far I have had no algae or diatom issues. The machine costs $1 a gallon. The fish store it costs 27 cents a gallon. I will buy a unit for the house eventually just have to figure where to put it. The other issue is San Antonio has very high water restrictions in the summer, I dont want the "water police" knocking on the door asking why I use more water then my neighbors. So when I do get a unit I will have to get a high efficiency unit with two membranes so I dont waste as much with a regular unit.
I have used tap water, didnt go well. Filtered water from the tap, one of those faucet things you buy at the store, wasnt as bad as tap but still had issues. Distilled from the store worked great but is expensive. Ro water from the machines, actually works really well and is cheap and ro/di from the fish store. Cost a few cents more but if I am going there anyway I take the jugs with me. For my tank now I use the machine at the store or I get it at the fish store. So far I have had no algae or diatom issues. The machine costs $1 a gallon. The fish store it costs 27 cents a gallon. I will buy a unit for the house eventually just have to figure where to put it. The other issue is San Antonio has very high water restrictions in the summer, I dont want the "water police" knocking on the door asking why I use more water then my neighbors. So when I do get a unit I will have to get a high efficiency unit with two membranes so I dont waste as much with a regular unit.
Ted, you should save all the "waste" water and hall it up stairs and hook it up to your shower. Good idea aye, made it up when i was writing! :-)
I had though about installing it next to the washing machine to fill the washer. Also though about trucking it outside to water the vegetable garden. I will find a use for it and not let it go down the drain.....just because I dont like to waste any resource. I figure when I get back from my cruise in June it will be my next major purchase.
I had though about installing it next to the washing machine to fill the washer. Also though about trucking it outside to water the vegetable garden. I will find a use for it and not let it go down the drain.....just because I dont like to waste any resource. I figure when I get back from my cruise in June it will be my next major purchase.

If the ship breaks, poop off the side.
walmart sells ro/di water. it's the purple cap.88. I also buy water from the grocery store thats ro/di water as well for .79 for a gallon
My walmart doesn't sell ro/di. :-(
What do they market it as? It's not safe for drinking so obviously for something else i guess?
Well you cant drink RO/DI water (it can hurt you) so grocery stores dnt sell RO/DI water. Realy i ee no problem with buying/useing distilled water.
Is this ro/di water? 2013-03-03_21-22-53_347.jpg it sure looks like it to me, I mean it says it right there on the label.