weird little jellyfish or something.


Reefing newb
I turned my lights on after a long blackout and there are a few small little things that look like little tiny jellyfish or spiders or something. they were clear and I didn't see them after the lights came one. Any pages with a list of things I can look through to find them?
There is always the chance it might be a jelly fish of some sort, but they dont last very long in our tanks - they tend to be shredded in our equipment.
I have whitish flat worms, I only have a few in the tank on the glass. I want to break down the tank soon to get my 36 gallon up. So I should use flatworm exit after getting most out then change out the water?

I also have some fuzzy algae(maybe cyano) there is short white/clear on all my LR I think and a patch of pink that has regrown over time. I will get pics tomorrow but what is a recommended treatment for that? I want to get my rocks clean so when I use them in my new tank I don't have to treat it.

Yes, I would treat with Flatworm Exit before you move stuff over to the new tank. Cyano isn't usually white or fuzzy. Once you post a pic we can probably give you more help on it.
Can't find my camera. But the clear/white stuff is like a spiderweb when I pick up a piece of rock itlooks like a think spider web. The pink stuff I am fairly sure is cyano.
The web is from sort of snail, but i cant remember which. It isnt bad, but it can irritate corals. If it does, just glue the hole of the tube shut
The look like little tiny feater dusters, but the tube is usually red, the end of the tube sticks straight out, and there's no feathers.