Well my live rock is in, what now?


Reefing newb
I purchased 60lbs Dr F&S's Lalo rock and 10lbs rubble. It's uncured but looked great when I got it. I got it Friday the 29th and dipped it in fresh saltwater befor placing it in my new tank. Things looked great and was hopeing it would stay that way. Well now its looking kinda pale. I have scrubed the white stuff with a toothbrush. I have had several diffrent opinions offered to me on when to change out water and scrubbing.

What do I need to do to bring it back? How often do I chang out water, scrub, etc.,etc.?

Thank you
You need to let your tank cycle. Also you need to keep a eye on your paremeters so you know when the cycle is complete so you can do a water change. It'll take awhile. Are you running powerheads and protein skimmer?
Yes, power heads and skimmer are running. Just let it run? No scrubbing, no water changes? The rock will regrow all the neat stuff without having to do anything?

Thanks for the input.
Most of the life dies on rock when its shipped.There will still be a few worms and pods deep inside the rock,but you'll loose a lot of them due to the ammonia thats building.
You can shorten the cycle somewhat by scrubbing the dead stuff off the rock.
When I ordered 45lbs of rock online,my wife was ready to kill me after the first hour it was in the tank.Stunk the whole house up bad for 8 weeks.Took 12 -1/2 weeks for the cycle to complete.
No stink?

Juuuuuuuuuust wait. It'll come. :lol:

My tank was cycled with a dead shrimp from the local grocery store deli. About a week into it, my wife was ready too strangle me and DEMANDED that I remove the rotting corpse from the tank and flush it.

You ever smelled rotten seafood in a hot trash bag? :death:

Juuuuuuuust wait. It'll come.

Let it stink. Don't to nuthin'. Just be patient and let it run it's course. It usually takes at least 2 months. Sometimes faster, but 6--8 weeks is a good average. Can take up to 12 weeks, like Yote. Patience. You will be rewarded later.
When live rock is exposed to air when you're moving it, or during shipping, die off will occur. Coralline will turn white (which is what I guess you're seeing), but it will come back eventually.