What are these?


Reefing newb



What is this guy?
Aiptasia in the first one. KILL IT! and a Starfish in the second. Maybe a large mini britle starfish? Can't tell ... kinda fuzzy.
I have some joes juice right now, but i think tomorrow im going to get some peppermint shrimp.

What will I feed them after the aiptasia are gone (because i see a few more than just that one)
The peppermint shrimp will scavenge on almost everything in the tank. They'll eat leftover fish food, fish poop, whatever. If you don't have fish in the tank and you see the shrimp out, you can drop a few pieces of food nearby for them. If you do have fish, you don't have to feed them anything -- they'll get what they need from cleaning up after your fish.
go with the peppermints but get 3 or 4 of them as there is a 50/50 chance they will eat the aips. Feed the tanks to a minimum for a few days so they stay hungry which gives them more incentive to eat them.
True. If you feed them they will not eat those nasty things. On second thought if I had my choice between Fish steak and Aiptasia, well I'd take the steak too!
They can become like crab grass in your beautiful bermuda lawn. Almost impossible to get rid of if they become out of control.

Shoot David.If it wasnt for crab grass,I wouldnt have no grass:grumble:
At least not the kind that you mow :mrgreen:
youhave a few opions with it, You can get a syringe of boiling hot RO water and squirt it right in its mouth or peppermint shrimp, or joes juice works well also