What fish to Get?!


Dont Worry
I have a 3 gallon tank and I want to get a fish in it. Will the water quality go down to much? What is a good fish that can live in a small tank?
Make sure you have a lid, it will jump out.

Personally, i think a 3 gal is too small for any fish. I had a clown goby in a 3 gal as well, and i feel quite bad about it now.
You might could do a couple shrimp though??? My cleaner shrimp is very entertaining and the fire shrimp are very pretty. I kept 6 freshwater shrimp in my 2.5 gallon with lots of live plants and wood and they were more than happy.
Its ok, at them i felt it wasnt bad, but in hindsight i feel really bad about it.

And +1 on the shrimp, there are so many cool ones that would do really well in there!
I have a 3 gallon tank as well, and I had a clown goby in it for a while. I also don't think it was enough space for him/her in retrospect. Right now, I have no plans to add any fish, but I do have a fire shrimp and lots of corals.