What is it?


Reefing newb
Picked this up yesterday at the LFS and although I know it's one of a couple different corals, I'm not sure which. Is it a frogspawn? Torch? Something else? I only ask because I have a torch and a frogspawn butneither are this small and neither are this dark of a purple.

Actually it's a hammer that's in the front. I know what I'm asking about isn't a hammer, that leaves frogspawn or torch (what I think it is).
That's what I was thinking too because my torch has single stranded tentacles, this one has multiples like my other frogspawn does. Is this purple color rare though? I got this on a long stalk that had another one on it so I sawed them both off the stalk, put this one in my 75 and put the third head in my 40.