What is it?


Reefing newb
As of right now I can't get a picture, but there is something new in our tank. it almost looks like a centipede. It is a long worm like creature, with tons of small legs on it. It hasn't fully come out of the rock, but has been out around 4 or 5 in, so it is pretty big. I am keeping an eye out for it to get a picture.
I looked online, and that is what best resembles it. I looked online, and some say they are harmless, some say they are bad when they get bigger. Can they be bad for your tank?
I moved the rock to my quarantine tank, and put some shrimp by his hole. So eventually I will get him out. after looking at the rock i noticed a couple new small coral that are growing, and some small white clear bugs.
The bugs are probably amphi- or copepods, depending on size. Luring him out may work, but if you split him you then have 2 to deal with.

And something else: do NOT under ANY circumstances touch the little bastard. You'll regret it.
Bristle worms are an awesome part of your clean up crew.

They get a bad reputation because they're ugly. Keep him.

+1...they are nasty loking but unless they get huge they don't really provide much threat, but
like Kyle said, don't touch...some varieties carry a hell of a sting...
I had a terrible outbreak. Had to throw out all my rock when I redid my old 10 gallon. No idea how I ended up with so many, but that should explain my bitterness.

Ever touched a cactus pear? Supposedly those barbs are just as hard to get out, too.
I've touched the bristles before and it wasn't too terrible.

Outbreaks usually come from overfeeding. They're detrivores. If there's nothing to eat, the population will die back.
Go out and touch a Fieeworm or Fire coral. Now they hurt. Some people are more resilient than other I guess.