What is this


Got some LR few days back and today i see this what is it? and is it harmful ? and if harmful what the best way to treat it? prefer to use no chemicals.


  • domo.jpg
    44.3 KB · Views: 165
Looks like aiptasia, or some kind of pest anenome. You can get some Joes Juice or Aiptasia X to kill it. I find it useful to keep that stuff on hand.
Apstasia! I have not found a way to kill these things yet. People say kalk paste works great, but it really doesn't in fact it doesn't work at all. The ap just makes you think it works by disapearing for a few days and sometimes reapearing in a new spot.

Only way I found that works only sometimes is supergluing their hole shut. It only works when they don't have an escape route in the rock. SO only like half the time.
They can wipe out other corals with their powerful sting. They will also spread like crazy and cover your rock like a carpet if left to do so.
I forgot about peps. I added two and they did eat them, but only the very small ones. They never touched the larger ones.
It is aiptasia, and it is harmful to other things in your tank, so you will want to remove it ASAP. Joe's Juice and Aiptasia X are chemicals, but they are safe to use. In a way, isn't your salt mix considered a chemical?

If you are really opposed to using Joe's Juice (which I don't think is anything to worry about), you can try injecting boiling vinegar or lemon juice (which are also, basically, chemicals). Other than that, you can try a few peppermint shrimp. They usually eat them.
well i guess my science fair wasnt pointless after all! I had a copperband, peppermint shrimp, and a tank that i used kalk on. the copperband was far more interested in the thera a :frustrat:. I had 4 peppermint shrimp and they WENT TO TOWN! i had 4 rocks in each tank and the aiptasia was in the most obsecure spots and the peppermint shrimp wiped them all out! kalkwasser just made a few go away and then they came back..so i would say peppermint shrimp, or nudibranch. but nudibranch have the disadvantage of JUST eating aiptasia, which is why they die after they wipe out their infestation...and if you liked your nudibranch..wouldnt it be coooll if someone had a tank full of aiptaisa that they could send to you?:idea: i wonder who could do that!