What should I get?


Reefing newb
Soooo, I want to do corals. Not ready to put them in yet. But I will be in the next few weeks or so. Just wondering what would be some easy corals to start out with that still look nice.
Do you have strong enough lights for corals?

If so, soft corals are a good start -- zoanthids, mushrooms and leathers. Many LPS corals are very easy and great for a new tank, such as hammers, frogspawns, torch corals, bubble corals and candy canes.
Its only two bulbs right now. But I plan on getting a 4 bulb fixture as soon as the money is available. And then putting the two bulb one over my 'fuge. Or would that be too much light?
CFL bulb, you can get them at any grocery or hardware store:

The refugium does not need a lot of light, provided you are just trying to grow algae in there. Algae does well in lower light conditions.