Whats on my glass?


Reefing newb
So today i wanted to organize all the wires under my stand, so i turned everything off and started to organize everything. After about 15 mins of untangling, and sorting, i turned everything back on and looked in the tank. All over the glass i saw theses tiny white worms. They ranged from a couple mm to about 3/4 of and inch long. they kinda looked like millipeds lol. I assume they are good but just wanna make sure.


they are just little worms (bristle worms) that live in the sand they are nocturnal so probably when you shut your lights out they thought in was night and came out. they are harmless sign of healthy tank.
123 has you covered.

Bristleworms are usually found in the sandbed and live rock.Seeing them crawl on the glass is probably a sign that they are very hungry.