whats up with my zoas?

that national

Reefing newb
i dont think the're dying, it just looks like the're moving to the left

this is the morning after i first got them

and this is what they look like now. you think the light might be to bright for them?
I dont know, but I'm guessing that the algae in your tank is messing with them as well. If the alsae starts to intrude on the fraf pluf/disc/tile/rubble they are on they will begin to close up like that.
ill get a brush and clean that area, my cuc hasnt made it up that high yet. i had my hand in there poking around so they closed a little, i just notice theres bare spots where there wernt any before.
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yeah, its probably just me being paranoid. but i did move he zoas to clean the algea around them and there seems to be a bunch of them underneath the rock there on
It looks like you have a lot of aiptasia surrounding them. Are those aiptasia (pest anemones)? If so, they can sting your corals. That may be irritating them.
no its not aiptasia, it some kind of hair algea. the whole colony is about the size of the palm of my hand, to give you an idea of how big it is. i cleaned the surrounding area so theres no algea around them now