Without Sticking my Head in Tank


Reef enthusiast
OK, a complete noob question: What do fish see when they look at the glass? Reflection? Yes, some external light gets through as evidenced by the reaction of fish to your movement, but is they any reflection?
Im sure they see some of both if you look through the front of the tank at one of the sides all you will see is reflection. I think at angles they see the reflection(noticed this with a freshwater beta fish) but straight on view see through the glass.
Depends on the lighting in the room.

Say your sitting looking out your patio door.If the room is darker than outside you see less of a reflection.If the room is brighter than outside you see more of a reflection.There is some reflection but the fish can still see you.I know there's some reflection going on because my mandarin fights its reflection from time to time.
They see you. They don't see any reflection. If you disagree, get a disposable waterproof camera and take some shot of the glass from inside and you will know what I am talking about. tried this a year ago and all you see in the picture is whatever is outside the glass where the camera lens is pointing.
I have seen videos on youtube where a semi agressive fish sees its reflection and starts to try to fight it. I also heard of a situation where a person wanted to see if his fish would be compatible with another fish that looks the same so he put mirrors around the fish tank. If the fish attacked then it wasn't safe. If it ignored it then it was most likely safe.
Actually, I thought of this question because my clown was knocking his head against the glass for the better part of 3 hours. Maybe he was trying to school with his reflection.

Kimoy: But what was the lighting when you took the photo??? Conducive to reflection or in your case not.