Xenia Blender Myth??


Reefing newb
HAs anyone heard of fragging xenia by blendering it and pouring the finshed product into the tank...

I havent tried it but wondered if someone had :)
Xenia spreads fast enough on its owen. Not sure if you want to create a xenia forrest in your tank. If that's what you're going for then try it out with 1 stalk of xenia and see how it works. I've heard of people doing it with mushrooms, but never xenia.
Actually What I want to do is get another tank going and "breeding/blending" xenia and trading my LFS XD

Kinda want to try it but dont have lights on my other tank....
xenia is a pain in the ass once it starts going its all over just look at my tank i pull out at least 5lbs of that crap every month or two