Zoa fungus?


Reefing newb
While the lights were out today and with zoa's polyps closed I noticed this on one of the frags.


Is this a harmful fungus of some kind? If so what can I do to help rid of it?
Thanks! Yea I looked into zoa pox myself last night and since I don't have any Furan2 on hand I'm going to wait a bit before doing anything. Right now most of the white spots seem to be on the rock attached to them, if I start to see more white spots on the actual coral I'll go fetch me some of that Furan2.
I tried the Furan treatment on some of my zoas before that were infested and it didn't work.

Are you sure the white specks aren't just particles of sand? I've freaked out before thinking it was zoa pox but it turned out to be sand.
Heh I think you guys are probably right as the zoa's seem healthy as can be and I see new polyps on that colony almost everyday. I will keep an eye on them though. :)