

Mystery Wrasse
My tank is great fish are healthy & all my coral are growing way to fast. In the last 3 weeks 2 of my 3 set's of Zoa's have dies. all my levels are fine, but may have a fish picking at them. Would that stress them out to the point they would die off that fast.
+1 to Nudi's, but if not that could it be your Angels. So far my Angels (Blue Girdled, Coral Beauty, Flame and Cherub (not all in one tank)) have been model citizens (no pun intended) but that could change at any moment, but my Butterflys have found certain corals they think are All-U-Can-Eat Buffets and I've had to move them out of their tank to save them.
Dont want to sound special, but what are Nudi. Just a month, month & a half ago I went from using store filtered salt water to making my own RO/DI reef salt mix. I started with 20G water changes in my 125G tank know doing about 25-30g+ depending on salt levels. My favorite pink Zoa's died & want more the last set of Zoa's I have are just fine & growing. they are all with in half a inch of each other. All Zoa's are the same or do they all have different standers? If you look at my user photo, that is the rock I am talking about.
Thank you ErinCahir, Tried looking up nudi but was getting nothing but naked people. lol
Have not seen any & have bean looking for them day & night. If I do have one i would think they come out at night right?
If I do find what is the best way to kill? I dont want to think I have them but they went from great to crap in less the a week.