Project5k and the new 75Gal salt tank

yea, kinda thought about that. I just dont know if i'm really ready for all that..

i mean i'm working a deal with RC to get my first zoo's and i know that then wife is gonna wanna seahorse tank, so i was thinking about making a secondary low flow DT off to the side of the existing one, tie them all together for water, so that way i expand the volume of the system all that much more...
yea, but they are just soo cool...

i dunno.. at this point i wanna just get done with all the mods i'm making and get back into a regular schedule for a while...
yup.. i mean i love working on the tank, plumbing and building stands and stuff, but there is a level of nervousness that goes with all of it as well cause this is all new to me.. i mean up untill this tank, i've never had anytihng except a basic 20 gallon fresh tank...

i'm allways afraid that i'm gonna wipe out my entire tank.
yea, thats what i'm trying to avoid,

i was so worried about the pvc glue that i actually followed the instructions and waited extra time for it to cure and stop stinking like solvent before i put the parts into service.
yea, i thought about it, but the bottom end was already in the sump, so anything i woulda ran through it woulda contaminated the sump, but i was able to take the end pipes, turn them up into the air, and blow air through the pipes, till they didnt stink.. then i put it back together and turned on the pumps, guess we'll see if i got all the nasties out...
yea, i thought about it, but the bottom end was already in the sump, so anything i woulda ran through it woulda contaminated the sump, but i was able to take the end pipes, turn them up into the air, and blow air through the pipes, till they didnt stink.. then i put it back together and turned on the pumps, guess we'll see if i got all the nasties out...
ok I cant resist: So project you can blow your own pipes why do you even leave the house? :mrgreen:
good one ted, and if i could actually reach, then your right, i wouldnt..

so, i fiddeled with the sump a little more last night, looks like the skimmer is starting to get comphy in its new home, its starting to put out some darker colored stuff, not perfection yet, but its already doing better than that prizim POS i had...

I'm fighting a MADDENING battle with micro bubbles in the DT now though.. at first i thought it was the skimmer, but after watching the water swirl around in the sump, i'm actually thinking that they are comming more from the overflow, rather than the skimmer..

I was thinking that tonight i could turn off the skimmer and see if the microbubbles go away in the dt or not, at least that would prove where they are comming from.

I have a good tripple baffel in the sump, but its just not stopping these wee tiny tiny bubbles, i've put the foams back in the intake sides of the pumps, i've put some screen material with filter material in the intake side of the tripple baffels, nothing stopps these bubbles, and i can see them traveling through the tripple baffels, so i'm stumped...

I mean i know that what i really need to get rid of them is a stagnant area, so they can rise up and out, and then pump off the bottom, but i'm wondering with what i have, how do i fix it....
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thats basically what i have now... i took one of the screens that i was gonna use for my algal scrubber, rolled it up and put it in there, no change, so then i took one of my new carbon bags, for my fresh tank, tore open the baggy(its the same thing as filter floss) and wrapped that around the screen thing that i had rolled up, so now i have the entire intake of the tripple baffels being mechanically filtered, and still with the micro bubbles...

the other thing that i did was i tried a couple different plumbing configurations with the overflow on the sump end... trying to figure a way to get the bubbles out at that point.. i'm wondering if i could get away with stuffing some filter floss in there, or if that would be taking too big of a risk of causing a clog and having it back up into the overflow, and well, overflow... onto the floor.
well i would try it the water shoould pass through it. or you can do like i did and lay the poly over the last baffle and use a couple clothes pins to hold it there and then all the water that goes to the return pump flows through the poly on its way into the return chamber
but all the water is flowing through it now, as it goes into the tripple baffels....
should i draw up a pic of what i have done?
this is a crude drawing of my sump the yellow is the polyfilter like what is in a pillow theblue is the drain line the red is the baffle. hope this helps


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but all the water is flowing through it now, as it goes into the tripple baffels....
should i draw up a pic of what i have done?

It sounds like the bubbles are being created from the last baffle into the return section. Like bobby said, put the filter floss hanging from the last baffle into the return section. Not before it enters the baffles. Hope this helps

no,i understood that part from the get go, what i said was that i can see the bubbles traveling through the tripple baffel, like they arent wide enough for the flow to be slow enough for them to rise out...

so, the filter floss stuff that i have is on the input... to try and stop the bubbles from getting into the baffels...

what i could do, is stop by the lfs on the way home and get some more filter floss type stuff, or some foam or somethng.. how does it come?

i mean i can try the "ramp o floss" on the output of the tripples...