Added fish - too much?


Reefing newb
Figured it was time. Decided on Cromis, since they're "easy" to start with. LFS talked me into 5, since they will school.

Acclimitized and added them yesterday evening. All seemed comfortably, running around picking off copopods. This morning could only find 3 - they all seem fine. Finally found #4, but he has a contusion on his rear, and can barely swim. This evening he gave up. Before I could even get him out of the tank, the snails and crabs went to work on him. My questions:

- Did I add too many? I think I've waited long enough, and my water is stable.
- Could I have a predator in the tank I don't know about? One time (weeks ago) I thought I may have seen antennae sticking out of a rock, but not sure.
- Should I let the cleanup crew finish him off, or is it better to get him out of there?
- What if I can't find #5? Should I just keep checking ammonia levels?

Frustrated - thought everything was going well :(

Sometimes Chromis will fight each other off until one remains, despite them schooling together. If your water parameters are spot on then you have nothing to worry about. I personally think 5 was too many at once but that is beyond the problem it seems. Pull out the dead fish ASAP and do a water change to ensure levels are stable.
- Did I add too many? Possibly

I think I've waited long enough, and my water is stable.Adding a lot of fish at once can screw up your parameters. Especially in a new tank. The bacteria just can;t handle it. It is always best to add a one or two fish at a time.

- Could I have a predator in the tank I don't know about? One time (weeks ago) I thought I may have seen antennae sticking out of a rock, but not sure.Could be,but Chromis, even though they school, are known to beat up on each other

- Should I let the cleanup crew finish him off, or is it better to get him out of there?If you can get to him easily, then pull him out, if he is behind rocks, I would just leave him.

- What if I can't find #5? Should I just keep checking ammonia levels? You should even if you do find #5. The sudden increase of fish waste can likely cause ammonia to rise until the bacteria population increases to cope with the added load.

Frustrated - thought everything was going well :(


Answers in red. Sorry for your loss. Don't give up, this hobby can be as frustrating as it is rewarding sometimes.
oh no, that isnt good!

5 fish was too many to start with especially for a tank that should only have 6-7 fish at most.

I think you probably added too many too fast, so keep checking your levels and do a water change. Remove any dead fish as you see them and hope for the best.
Ok I've learned my lesson - guess I let the excitement of adding a school of "peaceful" fish get in the way of what I've learned. WannaRace it sounds like you were right on the money. Now I'm down to 2.

Ok here's a question for the group. Stopped at a different LFS. He believes that I bought some fish that were probably caught illegally, using toxins. He said it explains to a "T" the symptoms I described. (The only thing is the contusion I saw on one. But I guess it's possible I missed it before). I forgot the term he used, but he explained they add a poison to the water, to make it easy to catch the less expensive fish (like my Chromis). And then sell them very cheaply. The signs he described are that the fish will be ok one minute, but then can't swim straight. Said the poison affects their nervous system, resulting in that behavior. Could he be correct in this case? And if that's true - how do I avoid purchasing fish caught like this in the future?


You can ask around some of the local forums for people who have good and bad, experiences with the LFS's in your area. You can also ask the store yourself. Just ask where they get their fish, ask if the QT their fish. Ask to see their QT area, ask to see their hospital tank etc. The LFS I go to is happy to show people their QT system etc. And, when looking at it if you see a fish you like, they still won't sell it to you until it comes out of QT.
Do a lot of research and ask them a bunch of questions. Nothing abstract but important stuff, like LB Fish said. If they make things up, shop elsewhere. I actually had a LFS tell me I should be spot feeding my aiptasia.
The toxin he was referring to cyanide poisoning. The other side effects of cyanide poisoning is extreme color to the fish and ravenous appetites. But i think fish died more from stocking the tank too fast because all the fish would have died from cyanide poisoning.
The toxin he was referring to cyanide poisoning. The other side effects of cyanide poisoning is extreme color to the fish and ravenous appetites. But i think fish died more from stocking the tank too fast because all the fish would have died from cyanide poisoning.

Down to one this morning. And they have been eating like crazy. Not sure about extreme coloration though. They are colorful (why I chose them) but not sure I would say it's more then normal.

Down to one this morning. And they have been eating like crazy. Not sure about extreme coloration though. They are colorful (why I chose them) but not sure I would say it's more then normal.


Let me add I'm *not* overfeeding. But they act like they are starving (that is- if fish could act)
Let me add I'm *not* overfeeding. But they act like they are starving (that is- if fish could act)

All fish will do this. As far as the cyanide poisoning - I guess is possible, but I'm still going to go with the fact that you added so many fish to such a new tank. Remember that a good rule of thumb is one fish per ten gallons - so with a 60 cube you are looking at 6 fish total.
I added too many too fast - I know that. Just trying to understand why they keep dropping, when they seem so healthy at one moment, then gone the next. If it was simply overcrowding, wouldn't my ammonia and nitrite levels be detectable? They're not. That's what really has me so confused.

By the way I still have two Chromis (whew) - found out one was hiding in the rocks. Unfortunately that seems to be the precursor to them dying; will let you know when I get home tonight.

I really do appreciate everybody's advice and experience.

Since the tank is still new, I wonder if there are any inverts that hiked along and are eating these fish overnight. Had it happen with a mantis and a serpent star. Got rid of them and no problems.
Exactly. At first I was afraid it could be a mantis, but since then we've seen the smails and hermits grab them, after they were goners.

"OP"? You've got me on that one Little_Fish!
OP = Original Poster

I would also like to add that I had a school of Chromis in my 180 - but it was like Highlander...'There can only be one" they slowly beat each other up until only one remained
OP = Original Poster

I would also like to add that I had a school of Chromis in my 180 - but it was like Highlander...'There can only be one" they slowly beat each other up until only one remained

I'm going to chalk this one up to experience, and not make the same mistake in the future. The "Guide to adding Fish..." recommends adding one fish per month - I clearly violated that piece of advice. Like LF stated it probably wasn't poisoning - but I'll keep that at the back of my mind next time. Then your comment makes it seem plausible that I ended up with a "bully" who is stressing the others. I've picked out the likely culprit - I'll see if he ends up being the "last fish standing". (Thanks for the Highlander analogy!) How many did you start with in your 180?
Well I still have 2 chromis remaining - but maybe not for long. When I first put the school in my tank (last Friday) I noticed one had a white spot on his head, and tail. Was small - I figured it was part of his coloration. This evening I noticed the "spot" appears to be covering half of one side of his head. He still seems healthy, but he did go berzerk after feeding. Swam really "jerky", like he was on something. Almost hit the glass. But then he seems to have straightened out. Here's a few pictures - best I could do. Any ideas? The other one looks healthy - no marks, or abnormal behavior.



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