Advise on new tank


Reefing newb
Hello guys,
I used to have a small salt water tank ( like 30 gal.) and it was a pain to maintain. I want to make sure that I don't make the same mistake. I have been wanting to buy another one for a few months now and I have been looking in Craiglist for one. I do not want anything too big because it will go in my office and I don't have too much space.

I found the one on the picture attached and I was wondering if anyone could tell me if I will be okay with it. I want a salt water tank with maybe 5 fish in it. I want some plants as well to go in it.

Thank you!


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I'd pull the backing off unless you absolutely know that it's made of a reef-safe material.

If it's a 55, then yes, you would be okay with 5 fish in that tank.

If you're looking for corals (which is what I assume you mean by "plants") then you're going to have to get new lights. And that HOB filter is going to be useless and even detrimental unless you convert it into an HOB fuge.
The background should be fine but is more suitable for a freshwater tank. I had something similar when I raised cichlids. Your best bet is to wait til petco has a $ per gallon sale and buy a new 55 for $55. You can then start from the ground up. But do your research before buying. otherwise you will fail, or buy gear that is not needed and end up replacing later which in return is wasted money.
I have a friend who is a Manager at a Petco near me. 1$ a gallon sale is starting like next week. Pick up a 55g Display Tank and either a 10g or 20g for a sump. :)
You're better off looking for something else since everything that comes with that tank is pretty much useless except for the tank.

I would either wait for the Petco dollar sale or just keep looking on craigslist, sometimes you can find great deals at a great price. I found these in the Tampa craigslist and I think they would be much better than what you are thinking of getting. Im not sure of your price range so sorry if they are out of your price range.

You said it was for your office so this might be good for you. 24g biocube - Jbj nano 24

55gallon - 55 gal acrylic fish tank/ aquarium $325