am i over stock?


Reefing newb
hello again ppl. i want to ask if my L.F.S is just selling me fish to make money. I told them i dont want to over do it. This is wat i have in my 125g,,,, two yellow tangs,,two black/white clowns,,a two bar rabbit fish,,a purple goby,,a sleep-go-bee,,3 female anthias and one male.and coral beauty..and some hermit crabs. And snails. I always reminded them of what i had..they always said ur fine as long as i watch how i feed.
I would say your stocking list is fine, especially if your tank is set up for as long as your sig say. But i dont think i would add anymore fish than that. IMO the best rule to go by is 1 small fish for every 10 gallons.
I think you're fine on your stocking. I would keep an eye on your rabbitfish though, as they get older and mature unless they are a male/female pair they can get aggressive towards each other.
Haha you're right, I read two bar rabbitfish and thought it was a quantity.
i was wondering if u knw how big the rabbitfish gets. Im getting two difrent answers. My rabbit has two lins across his face whit a yallow tail and mohawk. My lfs said not that big.but the reserch says big.. Thanks again
It's possible for them to get as big as 10" but, most won't attain their maximum size in our tanks.
I think he only has one rabbit fish Brian... :)

hello smitty i wanted to know something. U said. Ill watchout what i put in in the future.. Does that mean i can put another fish.. We realy wanted to get a mandarin.. But was told to wait atleast one year.. Whts ur take on it willi have to get rid of some one. To have him or ? Any info will help
You want to wait that length of time to let your pod population build up, because many mandarines dont eat live food.

I think after your tank has been setup for a year a mandarine will do fine in your setup. I dont think you will need to get rid of any fish when do add the mandarine
thanks again sorry for all the I have another much mineral mub and cheato should my refugium have. Say like half full. All full or? My lfs sold me a baseball size and said it grows like crazy..but i had it for a while now and its the same size. sump did come whit the light .
If you're gonna do a deep sand/mud bed in the refugium, I'd say you need about 6 inches for it to be effective...also, the cheato will grow eventually. What type of light is over the refugium cause it needs lower kelvin (10k or under) rated bulbs and also make sure the cheato had a decent flow going thru/around it. You can try cutting it also to help speed up its growth.
If you're gonna do a deep sand/mud bed in the refugium, I'd say you need about 6 inches for it to be effective...also, the cheato will grow eventually. What type of light is over the refugium cause it needs lower kelvin (10k or under) rated bulbs and also make sure the cheato had a decent flow goingthru/around it. You can try cutting it also to help speed up its growth.
i posted some pic of the sump an light but all the light says on itis... Catalina aquarium.


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Yea, those lights look kinda Blue (Higher Kalvin). Might wanna check on that.

Friend of mine said he found the High pressure sodium (old School yard lights, and very yellow) to give the best growth.