Biffy Finally Gets a Build Thread!

Quick update: Today NoobDeBiff and I picked up 3 red firefish. He likes them, and I am more than happy to pay for a fish that costs less than $20! He also really liked this adult engineer goby that was at the LFS. It was about 8 inches long, and it's rare to find large adults like that at the LFS (the coloration is different from juveniles to adults -- adults look like eels kinda). I think I'll sneak back tomorrow and surprise him with it if it's still for sale.
they are cool looking fish. I am glad you are "weeding" out the problem with your kenya trees. I am looking to add them to my new tank and hope the angels don't eat them. Last time I tried, my Koran decimated the stalk I put in there in about a week. Maybe this time it will be different!

I was in my LFS today ordering some new bulbs, when I saw that they had a new fish in one of their "For Sale" tanks -- a 15-inch vlamingi. She's a girl. Apparently they went into someone's house to do maintenance on a tank and found this giant fish stuffed in a 75-gallon tank. My LFS convinced the tank owner to give up the fish by telling them it was in a tank that was wayyyy too small.

Anyways, I went in to order my bulbs and he told me the vlamingi was for sale, as it was too big for any of their tanks, and he didn't want to put it in his display tank, and he didn't know of anyone in town except for me with a tank big enough to keep the girl. He said he'd give me the fish for $100. Can you believe that? A 15-inch vlamingi for $100? That would easily go for $800+ anywhere else. My LFS said he just wanted it to get a home since he didn't really want it in the store and there weren't really too many people in town who could take it.

So I said sure thing. I'll have to go back to the store tomorrow or Saturday to pick her up.

I will name her Jill.

Jill will be the 30th fish in my tank. And I think she will be the last. I actually did a tally of all my fish last night, 29. I hate odd numbers, so I was going to get one last fish anyways. Might as well be a behemoth.
whoa. Isn't there some pushing of the bioload by dumping in a, um, a, ah, massive fish that dwarfs your other fish? I thought you were, um, already loaded with fish? well, your funeral.... (of course I am jealous)

Yeah, this fish will be like the weight of all 29 other fish combined... She's massive.

I'll just have to make sure I have lots of extra water on hand in case an emergency water change is needed, but I don't foresee too much of a problem. I have over 500 lbs of live rock in there.
Congrats,I think?!?!

You did get the electricity problem resolved,right?You think your nutrient was high before,now it really going to be off the charts.
She won't fit in a bag. I'm going to borrow a rubbermaid tote from the LFS to take her home in.

I hope my skimmer can handle her. If not, more water changes are in my future.
Excited? 100. Worried about possible negative consequences of that large of a fish the rest of my tank? 2083082020309.

But I have to try it.
Very cool addition biff you know that we EXPECT lots of pics of this monster. Glad to hear that Jack has an e-lover now!