Clam.. Help!!!!!


I can tell when something is not right. There is something not right with my clam, i couldent not get a clear answer out of a clam disease book so i will ask on here. He is looking a little inflated or bloated in the center ( not bubbles just the whole center looks a tad swolen or larger). His outter mantel does not hang over the shell as much as it used to, but it is like not retracted it has just like shrunk. Also the verry end of his mantel on the left side he keeps curled up. He is 3/4 the wayin my tank under a 175 watt halide allthoughh i do not think that lighting is fueling the cause cuz i have seen no drastic bleaching or color loss. All help appricated thinks :).
I'm not sure what the problem is for certain.Check the clam closely for tiny little pyramid snails.Usually they hang around the top of the shell near the mantle.
Wow thank u!! :). I noticed some pyramid snails on both my clams ( some of da snails were verry verry small :o ) thank u for the help i will keep an eye out for them. :)