Clown fish


Reefing newb
hey guys I just got 2 clows and some frozen brine shrimp for them, but how many times shoul di feed them a day? I have the 3oz cube packs?
Once a day should be fine. They won't need a whole cube at a time, maybe a 1/4 of a cube per day. When you're finished with the package of brine, you should think about switching to mysis shrimp -- it's much more nutritious than brine, which really is only filler and doesn't have much nutritional value.
What I find that works really well is you take an empty water bottle and put a cube of mysis and a cube of brine w/ algae and throw some of your tank water in it and let it dissolve and mix then feed them about 1/3-1/2 of it. Throw it in the fridge till the next day. :D

Oh and i usually throw in some garlic for soaking.