Coral Attaching


Reefing newb
I recently got a kenya tree coral and Its not attached to a rock I tried many times to put it in the sand and it dosent want to stay so I used aquarium apoxy and Put it on his base and attached him to a rock. Is it bad to put apoxy on him?
Its one of the hardiest weeds out there. I wouldn't worry about it. And the coraline will grow almost anywhere. Should be fine.

I've crammed tree frags in holes, rubber banded to rocks, but my favorite way is to take a toothpick and poke a hole in the base of the frag and run fishing line through it...tie to a rock and in a couple weeks just cut the line and pull it through.
+1 on starfish. And you an also take a small piece of rock and tie a piece of thread around rock and Kenya tree and stick in tank. No in direct flow. Give 5-7 days if that and cut the string. Should attatch itself