Falco Hawkfish


Reefing newb
Just got one of these and a diamond goby for my biocube 29. They are in with 2 aggressive clownfish and a blood shrimp. Anyone have experience with a falco hawkfish? All I know is that they are one of the best choices for a reef tank as far as hawkfish go.
Put the goby in first. there is a very real chance he will kill anything that goes in after the hawk. Cute little boogers, but they are nasty as heck. Also your shrimp WILL become lunch. Its not a matter of if but when.
Well at my LFS the hawk was in a small tank with 5 tiny cleaner shrimp and a small clown. He did not seem mean at all. The reason I went with the hawk is my 2 clowns killed my chromis so I wanted a fish that will have a better chance. The hawk is the last fish in my tank.

Has anyone had any problems with the hawk and goby together?

The hawk sure is a cool and interesting fish! Hoping everything will work out.
mine seemed like the sweetest little thing, but no once he got settled in he got super aggro. The shrimp i still think will end up as lunch eventually though, even if he picks him one piece at a time.
I've not seen a Falco that was overly aggressive. Plus most of my customers say theirs is the best behaved fish in their tanks.
I've not seen a Falco that was overly aggressive. Plus most of my customers say theirs is the best behaved fish in their tanks.

Thanks for the information. Are the hawks picky at first when it comes to eating? My new goby has started sifting. When I fed the hawk some brine, it went crazy but never ate. I am guessing they are still a bit stressed as they were just introduced into the tank yesterday. He is picking stuff off the rocks.

The clowns tried to attack the hawk at first but now they don't bother it. The goby found a cave, the clowns stick together in the middle, and the hawk hops around everywhere. So far so good!
Thanks for the information. Are the hawks picky at first when it comes to eating?

Every fish is different. Some will eat just seconds after being added to the tank. Others might take a day or 2 while others almost starve to death. But usually hawks settle in pretty quick.
If yours is picking off the rocks, he's probably hunting the copepods, which is his natural food in the wild.