

Reefing newb
I have frozen mysis shrimp in cubes.... do I just plop a cube in? The store said 1 cube once a day at first and watch and see if I need to add more...but I totally spaced and didn't even think to ask if I just plop it in or what....

In a 15 gallon? With how many fish? I think that will be way too much food. I would chop the cube up and probably only feed a 1/4 of it. Also get something small to thaw the cube out with some tank water before putting it in your tank.
Get a dixie cup (bathroom size) and fill it halfway with tank water. Then drop your cube in there and let it defrost while you watch American Idol. Then come back and give it a swirl to break it up and you've got 2-3 days worth of food. Just pour in the tank a little at a time and watch your fish eat. Put the cup in the fridge until next time. When you run out, repeat.