Forgot name of coral


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What type of coral is this? i just completely have forgotten the name of it


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is there anything that maby i could do to help ease the stress on the coral ? :( i feel bad that its stressing but i hope theres a chance for it. it was like this when i got it. idk please help
i not want it to die
yeah ive done recently upgraded i have 6 bulb fixture t5 with two 10k one 14k and 3 acentic bulbs. that should be enough light correct?
yeah ive done recently upgraded i have 6 bulb fixture t5 with two 10k one 14k and 3 acentic bulbs. that should be enough light correct?

Should be plenty.
If you really want to maximize your PAR, use 2 ATI Blue+ and 1 ATI Purple+ instead of the actinics. Those things are PAR monsters. :)
i actually just ordered some lol the purple and the blue plus what placement would you place them? and is that all i need for the lighting ? need lit help for which would benefit my coral the most. thanks
The 10K lighting and the non-actinic blues are for growth (intensity). Actinic and purple (spectrum) provide display aesthetic value and coral coloration - more important if you have SPS (acros and monti's) corals. Purple is just lighting in between red and blue in the color spectrum. Its great if you actually have red/pink corals.

6xt5 in a 33 gallon is plenty.
Not sure what you mean by placement (coral or light strip) - as for the strip - anywhere 12-18 inches off the top of the tank is fine.

I think you have a poccilapora (you should see some fuzzy polyp extension). I don't think its a stylophora (birds nest) because you don't seem to have the distinct polyp clusters. They don't really have intense lighting requirement and are fairly easy corals. Just give it some time. Water chemistry is probably more important than light.

You should be able to tell by the polyps what your coral is

this is a birdsnest polyp


this is a montipora digitata


attached is poccilapora


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ok its def a poccilapora the very last pic you posted looks the exact same. Is there any food requirements or supplements i should be feeding this coral? I know dumb move for getting coral i know hardly much about but it was free. any information on them?
As for the placement i was talking about the coral. right now it is at the highest rock with the powerhead on other side providing what looks like a random flow cause ill see the polyps on the poccilpora move little bit then stop for about 5 sec. then sway again. Is that good enough?
I wouldn't worry about supplements at all.
As long as it gets lighting and moderate flow you are fine.

Not sure what your long term plans are but if you plan to get into more sps (acro's especially) - you would want to reserve the "top shelf" spots for coral that need the intense lighting. Anywhere in mid-tank and or lower tank with direct lighting is fine.

From what you describe the flow sounds fine - sounds like you almost have a wave motion going.

I have one that started from a frag. They are very hardy corals as long as you have decent water chemistry (and decent is good enough).

They will grow out into a nice bushy colony.