Guess how much rock I have


Reefing newb

Anyone care to guess how many lbs of rock are in my tank and how much I need? It's a 90g 48x24x18. Crappy cell phone pics below.

The reason I ask is that I want to take some of the rock out and remove my skimmer but want to still provide a healthy environment for the creatures. I have 2 clowns, 1 green chromis, 1 goby, all 2"-3". Also a good size brittle starfish, 3 snails and a few little hermit crabs. The corals you can see in the pics below. The hob skimmer has flooded twice now so it has to go but I have 2 bio-wheel 400 filters with the wheels removed and run 1 bag of carbon in each. I plan on building a sump to replace the junk I have now but it won't be for a few months at least. About a quarter of the rock I have is non porous land or river rock which I am taking out but I also want to take out some of the live rock.

Thanks a lot. :Cheers:

There's a good size cave where the clowns are.

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about 50 pounds but did you actually weigh it all?

My wife got me the tank from a friend of hers as a gift.They never said how much was in there just that they had the tank going for a couple of years. I never thought to weigh it when they set it up here.
Why remove the rock? The skimmer is whats messing up. Grants the river rock isn't as good as live rock, but if it has Coraline growing on it that's good. can you figure out why your skimmer keeps flooding are the adjustments off?
One thing to note:
Do not be confused with weight VS usable surface area.
A very porous large rock, although relatively light will be more effective as live rock than a dense small rock.

The weight reference is just a guideline, assuming that you are in fact selecting porous rocks meant for reef tanks.