help with lighting


Reefing newb
I am trying to set up a 44 gallon tank and I have this light fixture
is this a good light to use for all coral and if so how exactly am i suppose to use the different lightings .. i am still new at this so i am grateful for the help!
Yea its an ok fixture. It won't support all corals, no. SPS would have a hard time with that lighting, its not enough. Because its using 2 white 39watt lamps and 2 39 watt actinics, that does not put off a huge amount of light. Maybe a 6 lamp fixture using 4 10-12k lamps. White lights should be on for 8-12 hours, and the actinics for around 14 hours. Actinics come on before the whites and go off after them. You could keep LPS and Soft corals. Not clams or SPS.
ok what about the LED moonlights should they always be on? and it says you can set the light to 3 different timers but it has one plug how would i go about that?
The moonlights don't have to be on all the time, just after the actinics go out. The 3 switches are for your lights. I don't remember seeing a program timer on this one.. ?? You turn them on manually each time you want them on. Or you plug them into a timer and they all come on at same time, or you take it apart and wire in timers for all the switches.
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