ID Please


Reefing newb
I know you all just love me with all my question :question: I am sorry :)

anyway is this one of those Aiptasia anemone??

there is many ways to get rid of tem

peppermint shrimp
berguidi nudi
salt paste
joes juice
lemon juice

out of all of these I found that salt paste is the cheapest best way to get rid of them. all it is is a lot of salt mixed with water then blast the aiptismA wit a turkey baster. Make sure that u make enouhg salt paste just to cover it up and dont get it on any corals or those will die to
Salt paste is definitely the easiest way. Just smother it. But buying a few peppermint shrimp will help control and prevent it naturally, and they are nice additions to any tank.
Thats not aiptasia.That is a type of cup coral. Top row,first from the right.

My rock has em growing all over it.

Well before I saw this post I got it with some Joe's, do you think it will be okay or do you think the joes will kill it.
If I would have waited just one more day, I would have seen your post, but no always me in a rush had to so get it and now I probably killed it.